"FAQ" Tab |
This tab contains a searchable FAQ knowledgebase.
Open "Search" tab to search the FAQ knowledgebase for answers. Search results are sorted.
Open "Browse" tab to browse through all the answers in the FAQ knowledgebase. Answers are conveniently grouped by products.
Follow the "subject" link to open answer details.
"Forum" Tab |
Please join the community and get an access to other users’ suggestions and workarounds.
Get help from experienced users and give a hand to the new ones.
Here you may exchange your thoughts, feelings and concerns.
"Idea Exchange" Tab |
Help us improve our services, post your ideas, vote on others' ideas and see what is planned to deliver!
"Ask a Question" Tab |
If you were unable to find the answer you needed in our FAQ knowledgebase, or if you have a request, here is the place to submit your question or request to our customer support specialists.
First time users will have to register in order to create a new account (choose login name and password). The system will keep all customers’ accounts secure and separate.
"My Stuff" Tab |
Open this tab to access your personal account information.
Only registered users are able to login.
Open "Questions" tab to browse and search through your own questions or requests.
You may review and update your request details by following the "summary" link.
"Profile" tab allows updating your email address and login information.